Tell Amazon to Stop Selling Foie Gras

Foie Gras - photo courtesy of

Foie Gras – photo courtesy of

Ever wondered how foie gras is made?

Last month, a Mercy For Animals investigation uncovered stark evidence that what’s involved in the making of foie gras is nothing short of animal torture. A company in New York  that produces the dish, billing itself  as “the humane choice for purchasing foie gras,” was the subject of a secretly taped video by the animal advocacy group that showed ducks being abused. In light of the discovery, a website called has posted a petition asking to stop selling the dish.

According to, Dr. Greg Burkett, DVM, an avian specialist, saw the video and stated:

“If one looks at the production of foie gras for what it really is—causing a healthy [duck] liver to become diseased by forced overfeeding—then eating it could leave a whole different taste in your mouth.”

Other bird experts weighed in as well after watching the footage. Dr. Nedim Buyukmihci, Emeritus Professor of Veterinary Medicine at the University of California, said:

“This overfeeding will lead to liver enlargement and malfunction, causing chronic metabolic dysfunction and illness. The ducks at this facility, therefore, are being subjected to extremely inhumane conditions causing them to suffer greatly.”

Mercy For Animals notes on its website that, due to the distress caused to the birds, the practice has been outlawed in California and more than a dozen countries, including the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, and Israel. says that leading chefs, restaurants, and grocery retailers, including Costco, Safeway, Wolfgang Puck, Giant Eagle, and Target, refuse to sell foie gras due to its inherent cruelty.

Photo courtesy of

Photo courtesy of

To tell that it’s time to follow the lead of other retailers who refuse to sell foie gras, go to